Tuesday, June 29, 2010


YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT! But it's true. Spa-Go's provides healthy lifestyle personal assistants, the extra two hands you have always wanted... Our personal assistants are screened to meet your needs and qualifications and are practicing a healthy lifestyle. This way, if you are striving to live a healthier lifestyle, having someone beside you that has the same goal creates a better chance for success. Our assistants come with minimal skills and can perform private errand and shopping duties to advanced skills in the banking and business sectors. We have multi-lingual and some have healing arts training.

Spa-Go's provides training to your already beloved staff, so that they can take care of you better! You pay the training costs and they come and learn and are given a certificate and... you now have a housekeeper that can give an amazing 25 point foot reflexology massage. Give her an additional $10 for her hour's time and I bet she will love the break in her day to play with the products and oils and helping you relax. It's a whole new world!

(write me for my class list, I teach over 80 healing arts and instructional classes.. I think everyone should know a few to impress their friends and family with, not to forget that special someone. Learn simple massages to shiatsu, thai stretching, easy cleansing facials and how to do a top notch mani/pedi, plus more!).

Spa-Go's also can provide someone to organize your garage, make sure no unsafe material is within it, and organize your closets.

While running the business, Shaina and myself have discovered the most amazingly skilled professionals. To be a licensed healing arts therapist, you have to be background checked thoroughly by the police departments and the State. If they aren't and you wish a background check to be performed, we'll handle the details.

We only charge $10/hour on the head of their salary. If you wish to hire them from us, for your full time staffer, we only take $350 if they been with us less than a month and 20% of their yearly salary if they have been with us over 30 days. We know the BEST people in LA and if we don't have the right person, WE'LL FIND THEM!

This program is perfect for someone struggling with addictions and a support person that can help out as well, is the best for getting back on track.

We love matching up super cool people that can enhance your life and lifestyle. That's what life is about, LIVING! Living the best life possible.

Next week, I'll tell you about our scrap booking stylists... If you are like me and have your pictures and memories in a box some where, and all your to-do lists say that you want to put them in beautiful memory books and display your loved ones... you won't want to miss my next blog. I also have a new mud to talk about (i just had a Moor spa Austrian facial... OMG!), that's to come too...

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